Divine Moon and Other Poems

Photo Courtesy | Leena Lemos



Divine Moon

Her force was felt in my bones
Months before her essence
Was implanted in my womb

She beckoned me home
To find my inner light
And rediscover my soul

I promised her
I would find the woman
She chose as her mother

Yet while she grew within
I often wondered, was she mistaken?
I was dull, lost, mediocre at best

Surely there was someone else
More deserving, more loving
Ready to give her their universe

As I questioned
The system indoctrinated
Diminishing my dignity

This life growing inside of me
Wasn’t sacred or transcendent
Yet a sterile transaction

Herded like cattle and examined
Reduced to shallow rhetoric and statistics
I was powerless, tired, numb at best

As the clouds darkened with weeks to go
I didn’t care how she arrived
As long as she ended the pain

With her body earthside,
Perhaps then, would someone finally
Love me, see me, need me at best

As the air turned to spring,
She emerged from between my legs
With the fire of one thousand suns

I wish I could tell you
It was love at first sight
Or that I knew on that day

Yet it took months before
Our eyes truly locked
And I finally remembered

This was a spiritual journey 
That we had planned
For many lifetimes

Her entrance was a catalyst
To my homecoming and reclamation
She knew I’d keep my promise

Her brilliant light illuminated
The deep rooted shame and fear
And the many ways I was asleep

She harrowingly reflected
The things I still hated about myself
And the stories I believed were true

She guided me to construct
A deep well of love within my heart
To pour into myself and then to her

She tenderly awakened
My womb as a portal between worlds
Magical, powerful, divine at best

She gazed at me with eyes
I had so desperately wished for
Valuing my presence above all

Her laugh made the world conquerable
Her smile, the life raft for all storms
Her joy, undeniably infectious

While my soul restored, I felt a resurgence
A humble yet potent stirring within
A call to build a New Earth for her, with her

For it is mothers who are the architects
The keepers of the past, present and future
Healing the world for generations to come

I will shout from the mountains tops
For all to know the same journey home
That she bestowed upon me

She is my blood, she is my tears
Because of her, I Am, I Am
Enough, Limitless, Infinite at last


Just like stardust
She evokes a knowing
Within you
That there’s something more –
Something even more profound
Than the expansive love
She instills
Within your heart

We are Our Ancestors

We are our ancestors
We are the witches you burned
The seers you blinded
The sages you silenced
The goddesses you suppressed
The angels you grounded
The magic you turned into fantasy

We are our ancestors
We are the twinkle in the cosmos
The radiance in the sun
The liberation in the wind
The wisdom in the water
The songs in the earth
The fire that still burns

We are our ancestors
Answering the ancient cries
We remember
We awaken
We reignite



As a leading millennial voice in spirituality, LEENA LEMOS is on a mission to help others remember the sacred light within. Leena is an intuitive healer and channel, podcast host, author of “Dear Luna Wilde…” and the Founder of House of Enlightenedhood, a global cooperative helping to make spirituality more accessible to all. Leena lives in Northern New Jersey with her husband, 3-year-old daughter Luna, and polka dotted pup. To connect with Leena or learn more about her work, visit houseofenlightenedhood.com and leenalemos.com or @IAmLeenaLemos on Instagram.


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